MQTT - Integration ioBroker
MQTT - Integration ioBroker
Installation MQTT Broker/Client Adapter mit der Client-Modbus Konfiguration auf Port 61894
Installation Engine Adapter um eigene Scripte ausführen zu können
Installation vis Adapter um eine Web-GUI erstellen zu können
Beispiel Konfiguration
on({id: "mqtt.0.gateway.iothub.twin_reported_state", change: "any"}, function (obj) { ParseTwinReportedState(obj); });
CreateOrSetState('mqtt.0.input.modbus_set_state', 'modbus_set_state', '', true);
on({id: "javascript.0.mqtt.0.input.modbus_set_state", change: "any"}, function (obj) { HandleModbusSetStateInput(obj); });
CreateOrSetState('mqtt.0.input.modbus_get_state', 'modbus_get_state', '', true);
on({id: "javascript.0.mqtt.0.input.modbus_get_state", change: "any"}, function (obj) { HandleModbusGetStateInput(obj); });
function ParseTwinReportedState(obj) {
try {
var rootJson = JSON.parse(obj.state.val);
var jsonTable = [];
Object.keys(rootJson).forEach(function(outerKey) {
var innerJson = rootJson[outerKey];
Object.keys(innerJson).forEach(function(innerKey) {
CreateOrSetState('mqtt.0.parsed.twin_reported_state.' + outerKey + '.' + innerKey, innerKey, innerJson[innerKey]);
jsonTable.push({Name: innerKey, Value: innerJson[innerKey]});
CreateOrSetState('mqtt.0.parsed.twin_reported_state_table', 'twin_reported_state_table', JSON.stringify(jsonTable));
} catch (e) {console.error("Error in ParseTwinReportedState(): " + e);}
function HandleModbusSetStateInput(obj) {
var inputSplit = obj.state.val.split(" ");
if(inputSplit.length < 2) return;
var modbusIdx = inputSplit[0];
var valArray = [];
for(var i=1; i<inputSplit.length; i++){valArray.push(inputSplit[i]);}
var modbusSetJSON = {
name: modbusIdx,
value: valArray,
mqtt_msg_properties: {response_topic: "extern/iobroker/set_value_reply", correlation_data: 0}
sendTo('mqtt.0', 'sendMessage2Client', {topic: 'gateway/modbus/set_value/' + modbusIdx, message: JSON.stringify(modbusSetJSON)});
catch (e) {console.error("Error in ParseModbusSetState(): " + e);}
function HandleModbusGetStateInput(obj) {
var modbusIdx = obj.state.val;
if(modbusIdx.length < 1) return;
var modbusGetJSON = {
name: modbusIdx,
mqtt_msg_properties: {response_topic: "extern/iobroker/get_value_reply", correlation_data: 0}
sendTo('mqtt.0', 'sendMessage2Client', {topic: 'gateway/modbus/get_value/' + modbusIdx, message: JSON.stringify(modbusGetJSON)});
} catch (e) {console.error("Error in ParseModbusGetState(): " + e);}
function CreateOrSetState(objectId, objectName, objectValue, onlyCreate = false){
if(!existsState(objectId)) createState(objectId, objectValue,{name: objectName, type: 'string', role: 'value'}, function () {});
else if(!onlyCreate) setState(objectId, objectValue);
Ein JSON-Table Widget, das mit der
Object-ID verbunden ist, um den kompletten TwinReportedState anzuzeigen
Input Widgets zum Setzen
und Abrufen
einzelner beliebiger Modbuswerte.
String Widgets zur Anzeige einzelner Werte des TwinReportedState, z.B.
oder Ergebnisse von set
und get
, multiple selections available,
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